We leave you a list of 10 interesting facts about the eyes, one of the most important parts of our body and what better we should take care of.
- Babies do not cry tears for the first few weeks. The lacrimal gland develops between the 6th and 7th week of gestation. At birth, the lacrimal glands are small and do not function until six weeks later.
- Dry eye will be increasingly common among the young and adult population due to the excessive use of display screens (computers, tablets, mobile phones, etc.).
- Under normal conditions, people blink between 16 and 20 times per minute. When we look at a screen, this rate is reduced by half.
- It’s not bad to watch TV up close, it doesn’t hurt the eye at all. What can happen is that asthenopia, eye strain and headache appear if it is done for a long time. If children do it regularly, it could hide a refractive problem that should be checked by an ophthalmologist. The same is true when reading in low light, it does not damage the eye but it could cause eye strain and headache.
- Sunglasses should not only be used in summer. In winter the sun is lower, considerably increasing the exposure of our eyes to radiation. Glare from ice and snow makes sunglasses an essential component for daily use. Many people are unaware that ultraviolet radiation is much more dangerous in winter than in summer. In summer, a green environment reflects only 6% of the light (much more if the reflection is from seawater), however in the snow the reflection of light is close to 95%. In addition, every 1,000 meters of altitude that ultraviolet radiation increases up to 10%, being enough a exposure of 1 hour, so that a photokeratitis occurs.
- Using another person’s glasses occasionally in adults, contrary to what people may think, does not cause damage to the eye. The only thing that glasses do is regulate and modify the light that enters through the eye. What can happen is that, since it is not the appropriate graduation, symptoms of eye strain and headache appear.
- If we work many hours with computers and do not take the appropriate breaks, symptoms of Computer Visual Syndrome (VOS) may appear, among which are visual fatigue (asthenopia), blurred vision, a sensation of eyelid and periocular heaviness, and symptoms of dry eye. The cause of blurred vision or difficulty focusing is due to the fact that, when working with screens for a long time, there is a small myopic jump (temporary myopization) that results in when one raises his head from the screen and tries to look in the distance, do not see clearly.
- Under normal physical conditions, the human eye can distinguish almost 10,000 different colours. The eyelid muscles allow you to blink about 20,000 times a day.
- The pathologically pigmentless iris of albinos, which appears red, is due to the colour of the hemoglobin in the blood that circulates through the Iris itself and through the fundus of the eye.
- The pupil of dark eyes dilates more slowly than that of light eyes.
Did you find these curiosities about the eyes interesting?