Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology

Glaucoma unit

What is the glaucoma unit?

Glaucoma is an eye disease that can potentially cause blindness. It is actually a group of diseases with different origin, presentation and treatment.

Our Glaucoma Unit dedicates a lot of effort to the early diagnosis of the disease, since this is, in itself, the best treatment. Once the disease is diagnosed, the goal is to prevent its progression. For this, our team has the most modern technology to analyze both the structure and anatomy of the optic nerve and visual function.

If you suffer from this disease or have a direct relative who suffers from it, it is important that you carry out periodic ophthalmological check-ups to detect its appearance or progression early.

Glaucoma treatment

Our professionals will advise and provide all the necessary information to know and better understand this disease.

In our Glaucoma Unit we will advise and offer the best medical and surgical treatments available to treat glaucoma at all times and throughout its evolution, with the sole objective of safeguarding your vision.

Our unit uses the most recent minimally invasive surgery techniques that allow us to offer better control of the disease.

Contact us

Do you have questions?
Do you need more info?

Call us or contact us by email or through the following form. If you wish, you can request a call and we will contact you.

936 197 117

Monday to Friday from 9 am to 8 pm
Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm

Request a call

Provide your contact details using the following form to schedule an informational call

OMIQ Research

Do you have geographic atrophy (macular degeneration or dry AMD), retinal scarring from AMD, or glaucoma?

Have you recently been diagnosed with exudative AMD, diabetic macular edema, or retinal vein thrombosis?

At OMIQ Research we have open studies for these conditions. Access the most innovative therapies, at no cost, through our clinical trials program.

Get information by phone:


Dry Eye

Atrofia geografica

Geographic Atrophy

DMAE exudativa

Exudative AMD

DMAE Cicatrizal

Scar AMD



Active clinical trials

Dry eye

Duration: 6 weeks
Treatment: drops

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