Quality Policy
OMIQ Recerca as a participant in clinical trials, defines the following principles of action to ensure that our service specifications are respected at all times and to guarantee compliance with the requirements demanded by our clients, by the legislation and regulatory provisions that apply to us, as well as with the strategic lines of our strategic planning:
- Services focused on PATIENT care: all the activity generated in the OMIQ Recerca environment pursues personalized care, focused on patients and their full satisfaction. All the principles defined below are developed with the PATIENT at the center of our actions.
- Development of clinical trials: as the main activity of OMIQ Recerca, the development of clinical studies is carried out following all the requirements of said protocols and OMIQ Recerca is committed at all times to carrying it out under the ethical code that governs said environment. In addition, absolute transparency in our activities is ensured.
- Excellence: to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and loyalty, optimizing their experiences and minimizing the risks associated with our services.
- Innovation: continuous improvement of our clinical trial services, as well as our internal processes based on annually established objectives.
- Professionalism: to promote the training, awareness and motivation of our team, as well as participation through teamwork and the contribution of suggestions.
- Compliance: comply with the requirements of our clients, applicable legislation and other subscribed requirements, promote transparency and the publication of reports, as well as preserve the confidentiality of the information and data with which we work.
- Ethics: to ensure ethical behavior in all our actions. Promote diversity and equal opportunity regardless of race, gender, religion or disability. Support and respect the protection of internationally recognized fundamental human rights.
- Safety: to use continuous improvement in the prevention of damage and deterioration of health as the basis of our work activities, including coordination with external collaborating personnel, customers and suppliers.
This policy is complemented by the quality objectives approved annually, and is available to all our stakeholders through publication on our website.
In the context of the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, OMIQ Recerca position in response to the risk of contagion and the ability to continue offering a safe and quality healthcare service, it is committed to applying the protocols developed by the competent authorities at the international, national, regional level and those of the General Hospital of Catalonia and internal to the service.
Quality policy, document ID-005 version 05 revised 07/01/2023. ISO 9001:2015