Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology

OMIQ receives first video award at the Euretina Congress

The European Society of Retinologists, Euretina, at its annual congress held in Barcelona, has awarded the first prize to the video entitled: “POSTERIOR HYALOID DISSECTION: FEM-LA FÁCIL CON AZUL “made by Dr. Laura Sararols and her team. Dr. Sararols is head of the ophthalmology service at the OMIQ of the Hospital Universitari General de Catalunya.

The paper, presented in video format, describes how a dye, used for macula surgery, is used to make one of the fundamental steps of vitrectomy – the dissection of the posterior hyaloid – simpler, faster and safer by placing the injection of the same dye in a previous step. The paper included the description of several cases performed by Dr. Sararols at the General University Hospital of Catalonia. This technique does not make the surgery more expensive and instead makes it safer and simpler.

Symposiums, free oral presentations and videos are held at the Euretina Congress. These are selected from receipts from around the world. The videos are reviewed by the judges and the 3 best ones are chosen taking into account the quality of the images, the instruction, if it is a new technique or maneuver or if they are exceptional cases.

At the opening ceremony of the congress, the work of Dra. Sararols was selected as first prize and was presented with the award by the President of the Euretina, Professor Sebastian Wolf.

Sararols in addition to performing vitreoretinal surgery, is the principal investigator of multiple multicenter studies in retinal diseases especially therapies for exudative age-related macular degeneration (AMD), geographic atrophy and Diabetic Macular Edema, developing the most advanced and innovative therapies.

Active clinical trials

Dry eye

Duration: 6 weeks
Treatment: drops

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