What is surgery for tumors of the conjunctiva?
Surgery in tumors of the conjunctiva is a treatment to surgically remove conjunctival tumors, which must be removed leaving as little scar as possible. If malignancy of the tumor itself is suspected, the surgical piece will be sent to pathology, where they will say if it is malignant or not.
In which cases is it done?
Surgery in benign conjunctival tumors is performed as long as it has potential vision impairment. If not, the treatment is conservative, follow-up.
On the other hand, if the tumor is malignant or is suspected to be, surgery is always indicated. Once the pathology confirms the malignancy of the tumor, a decision must be made whether to give adjuvant chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
Previous exams
A complete ophthalmological examination is necessary prior to surgery. In addition, an imaging test (orbital ct or resonance) is necessary.
The intervention
Surgery is performed under local anaesthesia and sedation. In some cases, total removal of the tumor is not possible and adjuvant therapy with radiotherapy or chemotherapy is necessary.
Like all surgery, it has risks of complications after it (infections, granuloma…). In addition, a strict follow-up of the patient must be carried out to rule out recurrences or metastasis of the tumor.