Medical & Surgical Ophthalmology

Laser photocoagulation

What is laser photocoagulation?

Laser photocoagulation is a surgical procedure that consists of applying a laser to certain areas of the retina that are damaged, or that are predisposed to developing some pathology.

In which cases is it done?

Laser photocoagulation is performed in a large number of retinal pathologies, from retinal breaks to prevent detachment, to retinal vascular diseases (diabetic retinopathy, venous obstructions, macular degeneration…) to destroy abnormal blood vessels and prevent bleeding.

Previous exams

A complete ophthalmologic examination is necessary prior to laser photocoagulation, including fluorescein angiography to view the retinal vessels, and sometimes other tests such as OCT to view the layers of the retina.

The intervention

The intervention is performed under topical anaesthesia with drops and the laser is applied to the lesions that the ophthalmologist has deemed appropriate.


The laser has the risk that if it is not applied correctly it can be ineffective, or that important structures of the retina, such as blood vessels or the macula, are damaged.

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Dry eye

Duration: 6 weeks
Treatment: drops

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