What is amblyopia?
Amblyopia, also called “Lazy eye”, is a pathology that consists of reduced vision, in one or both eyes, as consequence of a lack of development and maturation of the visual system during the first 6-8 years of life.
Very rarely it can affect both eyes.
Despite being a pathology that originates in childhood, it can be prolonged into adulthood permanently and irreversibly if it is not diagnosed and treated early enough.
Why does amblyopia occur?
There are various causes that produce amblyopia, among which are:
- Strabismus: when in childhood there is a deviation of the eyes, the most frequently deviated eye does not work, it becomes lazy (amblyopic).
- In myopia (nearsighted), hyperopia or astigmatism, the same thing happens as with strabismus: the brain suppresses the vision of the eye with the greatest refractive error and prioritizes vision with the other eye.
- Congenital cataracts, drooping eyelids (palpebral ptosis) and alterations in the retina and cornea can interfere with the development of vision during childhood.
This is amblyopia
How does amblyopia manifest?
Amblyopia is not detected until the patient goes for a review with the ophthalmologist. The child will never manifest it, he is not aware of his visual quality or quantity until 10-11 years of age. However, this pathology can be suspected when faced with strabismus or palpebral ptosis.
Amblyopia treatment
The fundamental treatment of amblyopia is to correct the cause (strabismus, refractive error…), and in turn, make the “Lazy eye” work, by occluding the healthy eye with a patch, for a certain time (it will depend on the age of the patient and visual deficit).
Amblyopia prevention
Amblyopia can be easily prevented and reversed if the anomalies that produce it are detected and corrected early, which is why it is important to start ophthalmological check-ups in all children at 2.5-3 years of age.
The deviation of one eye can be indicative of amblyopia. But on many occasions, it can go unnoticed.
It is key to make an early diagnosis of the disease, and periodically check the child to correct it before reaching the age of 8-9.
It is advisable to perform an ophthalmological check-up on all children before 2.5-3 years of age to rule out this pathology.