What is an epirretinal membrane?
The epiretinal membrane (erm) is the growth of scar tissue on the surface of the macula (central vision area of the retina).
This membrane can decrease vision or distort images by contracting.
Why is the epiretinal membrane produced?
The epiretinal membrane is produced by the deposition of fibroglial cells on the surface of the macula (sometimes deriving from a small retinal break). They secrete collagen and scar tissue, which gives it the ability to contract.
How does the epiretinal membrane appear?
It usually manifests as loss of central vision or metamorphopsia (deformation or distortion of images).
Epirretinal membrane treatments
The only convenient treatment is surgical removal of the membrane with a pars plana vitrectomy.
Epirretinal membrane prevention
It is important to go quickly to the ophthalmologist in the presence of retinal tear symptoms (floaters, light flashes), to quickly seal these breaks and prevent the formation of the membrane and a retinal detachment.
Normally after age 50, but can occur at any age.
Vision loss and distortion of images.
After surgery it is important to perform periodic check-ups.
Visit the ophthalmologist in the presence of symptoms such as floaters or flashes.